Jesus Green Lottery Bid Document

File containing the bid document I visited Cambridge City Council’s offices to look at the document which was submitted to the Heritage Lottery Fund on the 30th of September 2008 bidding for money for work on Jesus Green. The table below breaks down how it is proposed that the total project cost of £4,387,302.00 be spent.

Surprising items include:

  • It is proposed that fifty-nine existing trees are to be removed as part of the work.
  • Lowering the conifer hedge around the pool is to cost £15K
  • A 350m2 stone paved entrance area is to be proposed, by the boardwalk near the punting station, at a cost of £63,000.00
  • A mini hydroelectric generator is proposed which will be installed in the weir. It will produce enough power for sixteen homes. Some of its power might be used for the toilet block on Chesterton Road.
  • There is significant spending (~£140,000) proposed on drainage, ironically new ponds are also proposed at a cost of £10,000.
  • £20,000 is to be spent on steps and a disabled ramp to enable better access to moorings.
  • £40,000 is to be spent improving the cycle ramp to the existing bridge, along with £5,000 each on two cycle parking facilities.
  • An allowance for CCTV is made at £40,000.00 (This compares with a £25,000 CCTV contribution sought from the CB1 station area project). The plans for monitoring the green do not just extend to CCTV, electronic counting of visitors is also proposed.
Unit Quantity Unit Price Total
Site Preparation/Enabling Works
Remove existing trees No. 59 £250.00 £14,750.00
Allowance for tree surgery works Item £10,000.00
Lower existing conifer hedge around pool by 50% (to be removed after c. 3 years) Item £15,000.00
Demolish existing W.C. building Item £10,000.00
Demolish existing Pavilion building Item £7,500.00
Demolish existing Kiosk Item £5,000.00
Allowance for demolition of Substation Item £10,000.00
Demolish existing wall around lock-keeper’s cottage Item £5,000.00
Remove existing play area, including paving and railings Item £7,500.00
Removal of sundry litter bins, lights, railings, benches etc. Item £10,000.00
Removal of existing paving, tarmacadam etc. m2 773 £25.00 £19,325.00
Land drainage works (Miles Drainage Ltd. Quotation) Item £99,788.80
Allowance for underground drainage, power supplies and other infrastructure connections Item £30,000.00
Clear out Jesus Ditch and regrade banks on public side Item £10,000.00
New Buildings
New pool entrance and café building Item £500,000.00
New Kiosk Item £100,000.00
Street Furniture
Allowance for new standard lights No. 20 £1,250.00 £25,000.00
Allowance for architectural lighting in Piazza area No. 10 £500.00 £5,000.00
Allowance for path lighting in other areas No. 20 £500.00 £10,000.00
Proposed Litter bins No. 20 £500.00 £10,000.00
Proposed bespoke benches No. 4 £1,500.00 £6,000.00
Proposed park benches No. 15 £500.00 £7,500.00
Cycle parking No. 2 £5,000.00 £10,000.00
Allowance for signage and interpretation Item £4,000.00
Allowance for CCTV Item £40,000.00
Soft Landscape
Proposed Trees No. 99 £300.00 £29,700.00
Proposed pleached trees along swimming pool No. 40 £500.00 £20,000.00
Proposed ‘green screens’ along swimming pool m 10 £150.00 £1,500.00
Proposed shrub planting around swimming pool m2 2000 £30.00 £60,000.00
Proposed shrub and herbaceous planting to beds in garden m2 1580 £40.00 £63,200.00
Existing grass area to be reseeded following drainage works m2 65700 £1.00 £65,700.00
Allowance for Turf to performance space m2 1100 £5.00 £5,500.00
Proposed ponds in Ecological Area Item £10,000.00
Proposed Wildflower Meadow m2 8600 £2.00 £17,200.00
Proposed planting in Ecological Area m2 2300 £15.00 £34,500.00
Proposed reinforced grass access path m2 440 £50.00 £22,000.00
Hard Landscape
Proposed all-weather tennis courts to replace grass courts No. 2 £35,000.00 £70,000.00
2 no. Grass courts retained – allow for remedial work to playing surface Item £5,000.00
Proposed new play area including safety surfacing Item £200,000.00
Proposed adventure play area including woodchip surface Item £120,000.00
Pool/café terrace paved with natural stone m2 430 £180.00 £77,400.00
Repair existing tarmacadam paths and surface with hot tar spray and chip gravel dressing m2 4300 £50.00 £215,000.00
New tarmacadam paths and surface with hot tar spray and chip gravel dressing m2 500 £85.00 £42,500.00
Widened ‘boulevard’ along river with permeable surfacing m2 750 £60.00 £45,000.00
Proposed Piazza paved with natural stone slabs and setts m2 1200 £180.00 £216,000.00
Proposed entrance area paved with natural stone slabs / sets m2 350 £180.00 £63,000.00
Proposed stone paths paved with natural stone slabs/setts m2 240 £150.00 £36,000.00
Proposed sculpture/focal point Item £5,000.00
Permeable paving around existing plane tree m 90 £60.00 £5,400.00
Stone/brick walls/edgings to planters in ‘garden’ area m 640 £100.00 £64,000.00
Steps up from moorings Item £15,000.00
Proposed disabled ramp from moorings Item £5,000.00
Allowance for repairs and painting of existing railings Item £25,000.00
Repairs/refurbishment of skateboard ramp Item £5,000.00
Modifications to cycle ramp at base of bridge Item £40,000.00
Other costs
Micro-Hydro electric power project from weir Item £291,940.00
Archaeology Item £40,000.00
Prelims at 12.5% of Capital Costs £360,862.98
Non-Capital Costs (Revenue)
Project Manager 2-Days a week Item £30,000.00
Training and Volunteer co-ordinator (over three years) Item £60,000.00
Recruitment costs Item £3,000.00
Designing, printing Item £10,000.00
Training Costs Item £126,100.00
Consultancy Item £10,000.00
Measuring success (greenstat and gate counters) Item £6,000.00
Archaeology costs and associated community activities Item £40,000.00
Contingency and Inflation £139,436.00
Other costs includng Professional Fees £714,999.22
TOTAL COST £4,387,302.00
Jesus Green Piazza Site
Jesus Green Statue Site

A number of items, particularly the new stone paved entrance and statue, which will result in yet more loss of green space, were not mentioned during the consultation. I was also not previously aware of plans to install a hydroelectric generator in the weir. Both of the green areas pictured to the right are at risk of being lost. Many of the quotes appear very expensive, I wonder if councillors would have been quite so profligate if they had been spending their own money? I believe those responsible for spending public money should treat it even more carefully than they would their own.  Archaeology appears to have been counted twice.

I viewed the document in hard-copy as the council have not yet put it online.

An application form for the Heritage Lottery Fund’s “Parks for People” scheme has been completed. The Lottery is being asked for 3/4 of the total project cost of around £4.4 million.

The application reveals the existence of a “playboat” it states:

The recent purchase of a “playboat” has the potential to provide a new audience and draw for families as the boat is likely to temporary[sic] moor at Jesus Green to deliver play sessions during the summer months.

There is to be a project board, on which the Jesus Green Association are to be represented.

The Hydro-electric power generator is to generate about 78,000 kWh per year, which has a value of £7,733 per year. The cost of building the thing will be £268,210. A basic payback on investment is therefore going to take over 35 years.

Supporting documents include a Landscape Conservation Plan drawn up by Robert Myers Associates, the plans for the Hydroelectric scheme, an Audience Development Plan, and its consultation supplement produced by Consultant Phil Back.  A Finance Plan has been produced by Philosophical Finance Ltd and there is also a ten year maintenance plan, archaeology assessment, habitat management document and land drainage specifications. I believe these documents will be of great value and interest to those interested in maintaining and preserving Cambridge’s green spaces and I have been encouraging the council to publish them online.

As well as the £500,000 of “s106 money” which comes from developers building in the City, the Council has, in submitting this bid promised an additional £218,000 of cash will be forthcoming if the bid is successful. It is not clear where this money is coming from. The council is also making non-cash contributions to make up its £1.1 million share of the £4.4 million total.

See also my older post on the Jesus Green Lottery Bid, along with my other articles referring to Jesus Green.

26 responses to “Jesus Green Lottery Bid Document”

  1. The details of this scheme are quite terrifying.
    It is all far too costly, misguided and threatens to turn Jesus Green into some ghastly consumer-led collection of attractions – it is an escape, a haven, from the city from all the pressures of the 21st century.
    Full consultation is needed on these plans which could drastically change the nature of this green

  2. An amazing feat in presenting all this vital information – but a reproach to the Council. Their idea of consultation is a tent on Jesus Green open on the wettest day of August when many people are on holiday. To withold it from the web shows they are already nervous about this Vandals Charter. The entire process has been devious and unpredictable. New items have sprung up at the last moment.
    To treat an ancient space of beauty, as Jim so rightly says, as if it’s a brown field site looking for whacky play ideas is in Shakespeare’s words ‘ridiculous and extravagant excess’.
    Cynically they have let Jesus Green run down and now solicit support for this wreckers bonanza cum gravy train for ‘professionals’ . Improve it YES
    This savage insensitive bureaucrats blueplan to paint the lily, NO.

  3. Tourists come to Cambridge for classic, English experience and the green is part of that. It’s common land, crucial to our nation’s identity, not a theme park to build on. People want restoration not development. There is already enough concrete on that green. Why not just have deck chairs like they do in London and regard it as a historic park? England is unique in its use of green space (I’ve studied it.)
    Regent’s park for instance was opened to the public in 1845 – amazingly early when you consider France had nothing like this then, or now. They just have very formal gardens. But London has it covered. All those parks are owned by the crown and governed by something called the Royal Parks and Other Open Spaces Regulations act 1997.

  4. Sophie,

    In response to your comments on the classic English experience you might be interested, and possibly riled, to learn that according to the lottery bid document the new lights, bins, seats etc. are all to be ultra-modern stainless steel.

    I am in favour of modernism where it is appropriate, for example downstream at the new Riverside bridge and proposed promenade, and am lobbying for that design to be continued at Penny Ferry. At Jesus Green though I would like to see the existing, traditional, classic designs for street furniture remain.

    I think using robust removable tables and chairs with the Cafe/Kiosk which could be put out on the grass days when they would be likely to be used would be better than any large permanent stone area with fixed tables.

    At Thursday’s Community Services Scrutiny Committee, Executive Councillor Julie Smith stated that nothing was set in stone and everything was still up for change. I expect the Heritage Lottery Fund would be interested to learn of Cllr Smith’s comment which implies the council has no plans to deliver what is proposed in the bid, they just want the money and will decide the details of how to spend it later. On the other hand this is an opportunity to ensure the however much money is made available for work on the Green (and I can see no reason the council’s own £1.1M contribution should disappear if the lottery bid is unsuccessful) there ought be a chance to influence what is done.

    As to if Jesus Green is a park, many in Cambridge will argue and point to the Green’s origins as a common, some still want it to remain as wild and open as possible. I think we currently have a reasonable balance and the area transitions smoothly from the more formal park by the tennis courts though to the large open area towards Midsummer Common.

  5. Incredible. That anyone could propose this kind of expenditure without adequate public consultation beggars belief. I hope that common sense will prevail and that the ‘Green’ remains exactly that and not some playground for misguided planners.

  6. Cambridge
    I am sorry couldn’t make it to the meeting due to a bad cold.
    So happy that there is a huge support against the work.
    There is complacency and incompetence within the council.
    I live in Richmond Terrace and take my dog to the green two/three times a day. There is a room for basic improvements ie damage done by vehicles to the ground, drainage for the grass area, proper large rustic designed
    bins particularly in front of the moored boats etc.
    The green is a regular venue for late night week-ends drinking parties. To make it into a Disney Land will add to the problem. What about floods if more grass
    area is covered by concrete. Last summer La Mimosa erected a wooden shed by the river to sell drinks and sandwiches. Most visitors bring their own food to have a picnic.
    It is a total madness when money is needed for many other vital services to be as senseless as proposing an unnecessary cosmetic job.
    My new year resolution is “No lottery Fund to be given for this preposterous development”
    I agree with Mrs Garvey’s comments totally.
    Mrs Azar Semmence

  7. I think this is a stupid idea. they are going to ruin jesus green! the only major thing they need to sort out apart from the pathways which need to be redone as they are all lumpy and uneven, is the skate ramp! it needs to have the anti-graffiti paint removed as it makes it too slippy, i slipped when skating and broke my wrist because it was too slippy. it needs making bigger also because there are so many skaters and its just too small. thats how i feel anyway!

  8. At Cambridge City Council’s Community Services committee on the 25th of June 2009 it was revealed that the City Council no longer intends to moor its “Playboat” on Jesus Green.

    They are going to moor it near the Penny Ferry pub in Chesterton. They are considering if the proposed mooring will still be safe in light of potential future uses for the currently closed Pub buildings.

    Councillors were told that there was some urgency in ordering the boat, as there was a twelve week lead time following the order, and the money had to be spent “this year”.

    The boat is to cost £84,000 and is being bought by the Council’s Childrens and Young People Service. An article on the City Council website which was updated on the 23rd of June 2009 states:

    The Chypps play boat is the first of its kind in the country and offers a unique experience for children and young people, schools, community groups and families to play.

    Sessions running from the boat will include open access drop in sessions, closed group work and overnight trips. Activities that can be done from the boat include environmental projects, river dipping and arts and crafts, as well as learning how to work the locks and steer the boat.

    Children and young people across Cambridge will be involved in the design of the boat

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