Cambridgeshire Police and Crime Panel Annual Meeting 12 June 2013
On the 12th of July 2013 I observed Cambridgeshire Police and Crime Panel’s annual meeting. The only substantive item of business was a review of decisions made by the Police and Crime Commissioner. The meeting turned into a total farce as it emerged the panel was under the impression it was to scrutinise the decisions […]
Cambridgeshire Police and Crime Panel Cancel Planned Meeting
Cambridgeshire Police and Crime Panel Logo John Elworthy, the editor of a number of local newspapers, recently tweeted to note the cancellation of a meeting of Cambridgeshire’s Police and Crime Panel which had been scheduled for Wednesday the 9th of January 2013. Notice of the cancellation had been posted on the committee’s webpage on the […]
Police and Crime Commissioner Graham Bright Meets Cambridgeshire Police and Crime Panel Members Behind Closed Doors
On the 21st of November I went to Huntingdon where a a meeting of Cambridgeshire’s Shadow Police and Crime Panel was scheduled to take place. A meeting paper gave the “title/purpose” of the meeting as “Meet the Commissioner”. The meeting was listed online as being “private”, however in my view it met the legal definition […]
Cllr Shona Johnstone as Cambridgeshire’s Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner?
Cambridgeshire’s new Police and Crime Commissioner Graham Bright’s election, albeit with just 3.96% of the electorate making him their first choice, gives him a huge amount of patronage. Mr Bright is free to spend as much as he likes on staff he appoints to his personal office and on salaries, expenses and allowances for “deputies”. […]
Cambridgeshire Police and Crime Panel Meeting in Secret
Police and Crime Panel Members Key Points Cambridgeshire’s Police and Crime Panel met for the first time, in shadow form, in secret, behind closed doors, on the 12th of September 2012. The panel is called a shadow panel until it formally becomes the Police and Crime Panel following election of Police and Crime Commissioners. The […]
Domestic Abuse Review
Domestic Abuse Member Led Review On the 14th of June 2012 I observed the Police and Crime Scrutiny Committee at Cambridgeshire County Council consider the final report of Cllr Samantha Hoy’s Member Led Review on Domestic Violence. I previously commented on this review in December, when the review’s interim report was put before the committee. […]
Questioning The Executive Councillor for Policing at Cambridge City Council
Cllr Tim Bick, Executive Councillor for Policing, Cambridge City Council. On the 19th of April 2012 I used the public speaking slot at a full meeting of Cambridge City Council to ask the executive councillor for policing, Tim Bick (Liberal Democrat, Market) what he had been doing in that role. I said I thought the […]
Cambridge Community Safety Partnership December 2011
I observed the Cambridge Community Safety Partnership meeting on the 14th of December 2011. Priorities On of the key roles of the Community Safety Partnership is set the city wide crime and policing priorities for the City of Cambridge. The group came under criticism last year for carrying out this key role in secret, via […]
Cambridgeshire Police and Crime Panel
Cllr Mac McGuire (Conservative) has presented his proposal for the make up of the Cambridgeshire Police and Crime Panel. The make-up of Cambridgeshire’s Police and Crime Panel was discussed on Wednesday the 14th of December 2011 by both the Cambridge Community Safety Partnership and Cambridgeshire County Council’s Safer and Stronger Communities Overview and Scrutiny Committee. […]